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Hey everybody its Jackson from MMB Christmas Trees
It’s Thursday July 16th, beautiful day in East Hereford
We’re on the Christmas Tree farm today, the family farm
Today we’re going to talk about shearing Christmas Trees and how do it and why
And just in case you didn’t know, not every single Christmas Tree grows to have its natural form
Whether it be a Balsam fir or a Frasier fir or a Norman Fir, they don’t grow to have the one tip in the traditional Christmas tree look to it
This tree right here was sheared within the last 12 months but as you can see just in the last 12 months this tree has grown a lot
You can see going on at the top it already has about six different heads going on it’s pretty uneven if you look at it from the sides
But there’s a solution to that, we call it the sword and the scissors
We keep it old school at MMB and this is how you shear the tree
This is the way my Uncle taught me
So looking at the tree from top to bottom the first thing you wanna do is create one single tip at the top for that perfect ornament for the perfect family
And by doing so you need these little clippers
So I’m going to clip around this tree right here and get rid of these unwanted tips
And give the Christmas tree its strong tip at the top
And something to keep in mind is these Christmas trees they grow year round, they grow 12 months of the year and during the months of July and August they grow the most
So these trees need to be sheared pretty much weekly because if they aren’t maintained and sheared they won’t grow evenly and then you’ve got a tree with some fuller spots on side than the other and tips that are growing skewed
So the trees really need daily maintenance to be taken care of
And that can turn a premium tree down to a number two if you don’t take care of it right
We’ll talk about grades of trees in a different video and what that means
So as you can see I’ve clipped up the top and now we have one branch at the top
Now once you get it down to a single branch you want to give it a fresh cut
Do it like so, right off the top
So now that I’ve gotten the top taken care of its time to work on the body of the tree
And just so I don’t miss any spaces I’m going to work around the tree and slice it from top to bottom as if it was shaped like a pyramid
So I want to come outwards and that gives a Christmas tree its full look
So I’m going to start from the top and go down
It is very important to stay careful and have a strong base on your feet because as you can see the ground I’m standing on isn’t level it is far from it
I actually almost fell off a cliff an hour ago this morning
But I’m going to go around the tree like so, keep it nice and uniform
Smaller trees can take less time, bigger trees can take more time
And when the trees get really tall and start to get 7 feet and up, when the tip gets too tall to branch, too tall to clip, we have clippers with an elongated shaft that basically you stand at the bottom and shear from the top
But this one even though being 5 foot seven, I can reach the top of it no problem
So I’m going to make my way around the tree, evening it out
And that right there is looking pretty good
If you want to come over here and get a shot of the tree going around it looks pretty nice
Compared to how it did just a few minutes ago
You got one tip and the top and it’s got a nice full look
Come around November it’s time to harvest this baby and get it to the right family
My name is Jackson and I would like to thank you again for watching my video, stay tuned for more content coming soon and soon to be, happy holidays
Have a good one, thank you
About BrushKing®
Our BrushKing® product line has been in business since the early 1985. Today we ship all over the world and have always been extremely customer focused. We envisioned a large potential with the shearing knives, and we were right, 34 years later and we are still going strong.